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Sunday, March 29, 2009


Tadaaa! Finally I'm back! Right? You are happy to see me aren't you? The reason I haven't been blogging lately is there was some sort of problem with my old account. Aaaanyway, we're not really gonna get too detailed on THAT little issue. Now, let's start with the history of Different Seasons. About , well, let's see, a long time ago we'll say, an explorer from Maia's World named Salfay Rhoda sailed the 7 seas. Well, our friend ol' Rhoda descovered an island off the coast of Maia's World. Now Rhoda here, (who loved every time of the year equally,) named this island Different Seasons. Rhoda then quickly traveled back to Maia's World and told the Maiyns about the new island. The End. See? Wasn't that a beautiful story? And I made it up on the spot too! (haha! got you! I don't really like to show off! Those of you who know me already know this.)


  1. You do crack me up, girl. I am sorry that Blogger froze your old account and nothing Mommy or Daddy did could make them give it back to you. Love your weird story!

  2. Love it Maia! I wish I was a Maiyn. Maybe someday. BTW, courtney and aubree have not read your story yet...they will be sure to love it! I'll tell them right after church. Sure do miss you! love aunt kim

  3. And my mom thinks i didn't read your story! What ev! Did you read myyyyyyyyyyyyyyy blog? DOOOO IT!

  4. Great story, Maia! And welcome back. I love having fresh, new Maia stories! Keep them coming.
